The Student Nurses’ Association is a great way to come together with your fellow nursing students to share your experiences, your struggles and your ideas. SNA provides its members with an opportunity to hear from interesting speakers, participate in raffles and be a part of an organization that strives to create the next generation of nursing leaders. Pre-nursing students, LVN students and RN students are welcome to join SNA.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
SNA Meeting: 12/6 RN-BSN Online Degrees
Christmas Toy Drive
Community Health Committee Presents:
Toy and Book Drive
November 29th – December 10th
In Support of: Family Ties

Please bring your new toys and books for infants and children up to the age of 6 years.
Please bring donations to:
The Nursing and Health Sciences Division Office, Locke 203
Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
If you have any questions please contact
Susan Galyon at or
Jody Sytten at
Sunday, November 28, 2010
November 22 Meeting Minutes
A.J. Arriola calls meeting to order at 1315
I. Old Business
A. Tanya D. moves to approve minutes from October 18th meeting
Marla F. seconds
No objections, motion carried
B. Tanya D. reports a profit of $23.75 from Whirlow’s fundraiser
C. Jody S. reports Family Ties Halloween craft was successful
II. New Business
A. Future Fundraising- Indecision about what to do with SF Giants memorabilia, auction on hold for now
B. Treasury- Paula T. reports a profit of $252.00 from sales of patches, current balance comes to $6211.91
C. Family Ties- Christmas collection of toys will start tomorrow (Nov. 23rd) and continue until the last day of the semester
D. Clair G. moves to approve funds for food for next SNA meeting not to exceed $100, Tanya D. seconds
No objections, motion carries
E. Hearst representative will be rescheduled for November 29th in Locke 313
F. Leadership Award- Clair G. moves that only one person be nominated for $500 scholarship, rather than $250 scholarships for two individuals
Ana G. seconds
No objections, motion carried
Vote for leadership award, recipient will be revealed at next SNA meeting
G. Nominations
Vice President- Jody S.
President-Elect- Tanya D.
Secretary- Clair G.
Treasurer- Paula T.
All officers run unopposed, elected at meeting
Ana G. moves to adjourn meeting, Tanya D. seconds
Meeting adjourned, see you next time!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hurst Review Information Session RESCHEDULED to 11/29
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Hurst Information Session CANCELLED
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Test Bank Makeover
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Special Documentation Lecture
Currently, we have the special lecture scheduled for November 1st (11/01) in Locke 313 @ 1300. It will NOT be next Monday so as not to conflict with the Family Ties volunteering event. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. You will be updated if there are any changes.
Thank you,
-AJ Arriola
SNA President Fall 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
SNA Metting Minutes
Call to order by A.J. Arriola
Introduction of the officers to attendees
I. Old Business
A. Tanya Daniel moves to approve old minutes
Anna Gonzales
All approved, motion carried
B. Tanya Daniel reports that we are still waiting for the results to last month fundraiser we did at Whirlow’s.
• We also need to give ASBG a month advance notice to any fundraiser we are going to be doing in the near future.
• As for the Stockton Thunder Hockey Fundraiser we are still trying to find a way to sell tickets to the game on November 21st, Coats for Kids Night. Tickets will be sold for $10.00.
C. Susan Galyon reported that today is the last day to make donations for the County Mental Health Inpatient Center. They are going to make the drop- off sometime next week.
• The next Community Health project will be a Halloween Party at Family Ties next Monday on October 25th.
D. A.J. Arriola talked about CNSA State Convention and that SNA will no longer pay for any of the convention expenses.
II. New Business
A. Welcome our new ICC representative Anahita Rivera. Clair Giedt attended Club Night and report that we are no longer on probation with ASBG.
B. Treasurer Paula Thomson reports our current balance is $5,984.59.
C. Speaker- Daisha Hicks Kaplan representative discussed the benefits of Kalpan NCLEX Review Session. Congrats to Marla for winning the Free NCLEX review session.
D. Speaker – Professor Cheri Wells MSN, has been reschedule to next Monday. A.J. Arriola will send out an e-mail with the time and location.
Tammy Sandoval moves to adjourn meeting, Anna Gonzales seconds
All approved, meeting adjourned
Thursday, October 14, 2010
SNA Meeting 10/18
Saturday, September 25, 2010
SNA Meeting Minutes
Call to order by A.J. Arriola
Introduction of the officers to attendees
I. Old Business
A. David J. moves to approve old minutes
Jody S. seconds
All approved, motion carried
B. Treasurer Paula Thomson reports a profit of $24 from selling patches since last month’s meeting. Our current balance is $5,896.59.
II. New Business
A. Convention Expenses
· Member Lisl Caro moves to allocate funds for CSNA Convention attendance by President A.J. Arriola, Treasurer Paula Thomson, President-Elect Ana Gonzales, and ICC Representative Anahita Rivera. These funds will include and be limited to: a $60 conference registration fee for each attendee and two nights in one hotel room at the Marriot near the convention
· Ashley Pierce seconds
· All approved, motion carried
B. Report on community outreach from Jody S. and Susan G.
· Reminder of clothing drive for S.J. County Mental Health Inpatient facility
· October craft project at Family Ties being planned, will email details
C. Report from fundraising chair Tanya D.
· Whirlows funraiser has been set up for September 21st- September 28th, fliers have been emailed to students
· Stockton Thunder Funraiser not finalized. We will be having a fundraiser, but logistics not finalized.
D. Speaker- Dr. Peggy Hodge, Dean of Nursing at CSU Stanislaus speaks about BSN and MSN programs (discusses cost, courses, and benefits).
E. First semester students need to set up a blog- A.J. Arriola can assist
Raffle for merchandise
Tammy Sandoval moves to adjourn meeting, Clair Giedt seconds
All approved, meeting adjourned
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A HURST NCLEX Review has been set up at our campus!
The dates for the review will be Jan 11-14. I wanted it a little earlier but the school is closed the previous week. Anyway, go to Hurst Review's website ( and check it out if you haven't already, and sign up if you're interested. Here's the info I was sent to help you get started:
To begin registration, students should:
1. Go to the following link:
2. Scroll down to the start date of the review and select the correct location by clicking on the “Sign Up” button
3. The Live Lecture Detail screen comes up; click the “click here” registration link
4. Click the link to “Create a Hurst Review Account”
5. Enter student information and click “Continue”
6. Read and agree to terms regarding reproducing or sharing materials, etc.
7. Click “no organizational code”
8. Click “process” button ONLY ONCE.
9. The student will receive a username, password, and confirmation.
General Information:
· Students can pay with a credit card and it will give you a user name and password for your account after registering.
· Students must pay at least $50 to register; they can pay online anytime up until the review starts; or pay the first day of the review.
After registration we also allow students to pay ½ of the remaining $300 on the first day of the review and then postdate a check for 30 days later for the remaining $150.
Friday, September 17, 2010
SNA Meeting 9/20
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Whirlow's Fundraiser
Sunday, September 12, 2010
1st Annual Winter Clothing Drive
Community Health Committee Presents:
Winter Clothing Collection
September 13 - October 15
In Support of: County Mental Health
Please bring your new or gently used items such as:
Warm jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts for men and women
Adult mittens, gloves, socks
Travel size grooming supplies, toothbrushes, toothpaste
Please bring donations to:
The Nursing and Health Sciences Division Office, Locke 203
Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
If you have any questions please contact
Susan Galyon at or
Jody Sytten at
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010 1300-1430
A. Jody S. moves to approve minutes from last meeting.
Arrisa S. seconds.
All approved, motion carried.
B. Review of summer meetings for attendees
C. Treasury Report: $5,872.59-current balance
$2116.80- profit from patches
The treasurer reviews discounts for SNA member patches and offers reimbursement.
A. NSNA convention in October in Ontario, CA
B. Fundraising ideas from Tanya Dolson:
Tentative date for October 20th or 21st
ii. Suggestion for Stockton Thunder: Sell tickets for $8-$10, Thunder returns a portion.
November 21st, Coats for Kids Night is suggested
iii. Suggestion to sell World’s Finest Chocolate (profit is $0.50 per bar)
iv. Whirlow’s and Yoghurt My Way will give us an entire week of fundraising, the third week of September is suggested
C. Community Health announcement from Susan G. and Jody S.
i. September 15-October 15: Drive for County Mental Health (adult warm clothes, travel sized grooming supplies)
ii. YMCA of San Joaquin Health Faire: We may have a table, no date as of yet, will continue to update
D. Speakers
i. Debbie O’Sullivan speaks about benefits of Versant program
ii. Angela Aistrup speaks about working on Oncology floor at St. Joseph’s and taking the NCLEX
iii. Sherri Schmidt speaks about studying for and passing the NCLEX
iv. Ginger Manns speaks about the CNSA and the NSNA
E. ICC Representative
i. Clair Giedt will serve as ICC rep during first rotation, no current volunteers for second rotation
Raffle for merchandise
Motion to adjourn the meeting-Jody S.
Arissa S. seconds
All in favor, meeting adjourned!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
SNA Meeting 8/30
On behalf of the Student Nurses’ Association, I would like to
welcome back all of you returning students, and congratulate all the
new students beginning the program. We at the SNA have an exciting
year planned, and we hope you can be a part of it. We meet the third
Monday of every month in Locke 313 at 1300-1430. Join us this Monday,
August 30th, for our first meeting of the semester! There will be
free food (as always!), and Fall 2010 grads Debbi O’Sullivan and
Sherri Schmidt will be coming by to share their advice on surviving
the program, passing the NCLEX, and landing your first nursing job.
National Student Nurse Association representative Ginger Mann will
also drop by to talk about the NSNA and the benefits of membership.
Membership is NOT required for attendance of meetings or
participation in most club activities. All ADN, LVN, Psych Tech, and
pre-nursing students are invited! However, membership has many
advantages, including networking with faculty advisors, discounts on
patches and SNA merchandise, and an opportunity to attend the NSNA and
CNA conventions. In a job market full of new nurses, membership also
looks very good on a resume and can help you stand out amongst other
applicants. Ginger Mann will have more information at our next
To join the NSNA, go to
Also, check out our blog at
Hope to see you on Monday!
Clair Giedt
Secretary, Student Nurses’ Association
Thursday, May 20, 2010
2010 CNSA Annual Convention
Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
2000 East Convention Center Way
Ontario, Ca 91764Phone: 909.937.3000
Fax: 909.937.3080

ALL prenursing, nursing students, and faculty advisors are invited to our annual summer Council of Chapter Representative Meeting for a day long networking, breakout sessions, speakers, and chapter reporting.
Day: June 12, 2010
Time: 0800-1430 hrs
Venue: Seton Medical Center
1900 Sullivan Ave, Daly City, 94015
Cost: Free
For more information contact: Yovannah Chavez – Co-Chair North @
SNA May 17th Meeting Minutes

I. Meeting called to order at 1300 with all officers, and approximately 25 members present. Ana Hernandez (Advisor) was present at the meeting.
II. Phil Berghuis (President) welcomes everyone to the SNA Meeting, introduces officers and advisor.
III. Old Business
A. Phil Berghuis reported on the ICC meeting.
a. Need volunteers to go to represent the club 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month for next semester. No one immediately volunteered.
B. Rebbeca Yumoto reported the Whirlow’s fundraiser was successful. The amount raised from the fundraiser is $76.92.
C. Susan Galyon reported serving dinner at the Gospel Rescue Mission and the Mother’s Day activity at Family Ties was very successful – we had about 4 - 6 volunteers that came out to help.
D. Paula Thomson reported the Health Plan of San Joaquin Health Fair turned out really nice. We had about 7 volunteers that came out to help with this event. Gerri Nunez invited us to come back and help out with another Health Fair event on June 12th.
IV. New Business
A. Ms. Ana Hernandez spoke about doing a fundraiser in selling Baseball tickets to the Giants game and also selling graduation stole ($32.50) to the next graduation class. - Will discuss more in detail at the next meeting.
B. New Officers for the Fall 2010 semester were announced. AJ Ariola will be President, Tammy Saffold will be Vice- President. Clair Giedt will be Secretary and Paula Thomson will be Treasurer. In addition Anna Gonzales will be President Elect (Spring 2011).
C. Members that were present voted on the 4th semester Leadership Award. Ms. Ana Hernandez will count the votes with all the officers present. AJ Ariola will announce the winner at the pinning ceremony.
D. Upcoming events:
a. Anna Gonzales reported that we will be collecting donates to help out with the CNSA fundraiser “Let Your Change Be the Change in the World” campaign. If anybody is interested in making a $1.00 donate please drop it off in the nursing department. All funds collected will be donated to the CNSA Haiti Nursing Foundation. Campaign starts now and will end September 30, 2010.
V. Speakers
A. Sherri Schmidt, R.N., former SJDC Student and the former SJDC SNA Secretary, spoke regarding the preparation in getting a job after graduating and how important it is to know that you are always being watched and interviewed while working on the hospital floor. Always make friends with everybody and help everybody even though it might not be your patient. Remember smile, soft touch and compassion translates to everything.
B. Ginger Manns R.N., MSN, AOCN from St. Joseph’s Hospital spoke regarding the NSNA membership, getting involved on a national committee such as: Break through to Nursing, Legislative Committee, Community Health, The Image of Nursing Ad Hoc Committee. Ginger also talked about the upcoming COCR (Council of Chapter Representative Meeting) June, 12, 2010 in Daly City; NSNA National Convention in Ontario October 15-17th, 2010 and becoming a delegate. If anybody is interested in applying for Scholarships ranging from $500 - $2,000 check out the website for more info.
VI. Meeting adjourned at 1440.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Upcoming SNA Meeting
-- Julie Lang
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Uniform Fittings
I just wanted to let you know that the fitting times are as scheduled:
May 13
May 14
May 20
May 21
from 8:00 to 12:00 in Locke 228. These are the only times available to try on the new scrubs. If you are unable to attend you will have order online without the ability to try-on first.
Thank you
Friday, May 7, 2010
Volunteer Opportunity
Health Plan of San Joaquin. They are looking for student nurses to
volunteer at the fair taking blood pressures. You will need to come in
your nursing uniform, and they'll have a BBQ lunch there for $5. If
you'd like to participate, e-mail Phillip Berghuis at
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hurst NCLEX Review
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
SNA Spring Cleaning Collection!

Sunday, March 21, 2010
SNA March 15th Meeting Minutes
III. Rebecca Yumoto moved to approve the minutes from February 22nd, 2010 SNA Meeting. Jody Sytten seconded the motion and the minutes are accepted via member vote without opposition.
IV. Old Business
A. Phil Berghuis reported on the ICC meeting.
A. Phil Berghuis talked about RN Lobby Days in Sacramento April 19th – 20th. Come watch and see how a bill get’s passed and learn about the process. Topics vary from shortages issues, nursing specialties and increased salary and etc. Student can register at
B. Motion moved by Anna Hernandez to sponsor and pay the RN Lobby Day registration fee $35.00 for any students who attend the March 15th SNA meeting and doesn’t miss class or clinical days. Rebecca Yumoto accepted the motion to pay the registration fee for any student that attend the March 15th SNA meeting. Jody Sytten seconded the motion and via member vote without opposition.
C. Phil Berghuis reported that Hurst would like to come out to SJDC to do an NCLEX Review, but Hurst needs a guarantee of 20 people signed up 1st. The fee is $350.00. The Hurst NCLEX review session will be for 4 days. Hurst Review has a 98% NCLEX passing rate. You are allowed to repeat Hurst review multiple times without any additional fees.
A. Susan Galyon & Jody Sytten announce that they are still in need of people donating winter items (baby wipes, diapers, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer) that will be donated to the local Stockton Homeless Shelter. The winter collection will be going on until March 22nd. If anybody is interested please drop off items in the nursing department.
A. Benjamin Staffold, spoke on the Gospel Center Rescue Mission and what programs and service they have to offer to the homeless and those who are suffering from addictions. He talked about the new life addiction treatment graduation/ certification program that helps the homeless and reformed drug addicted persons to help them re-enter into society again. Benjamin also talked about the hygiene and clothing item that they are in need of. The Gospel Center Rescue Mission Center is a 501c3 tax donation site.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 1440.
Friday, March 19, 2010
RN Lobby Days in Sacramento April 19th - 20th.

Would you like to learn about how nurses and student nurses can impact the legislative process in California?
Attend the 2010
ANA/California RN Lobby
Days on April 19th and 2oth in
What happens at ANA/California RN Lobby Days? RN Lobby Days is an annual conference offered by ANA/California that offers presentations and workshops on how the California legislative process works, on the intricacies of state politics, on
how we can support the nursing agenda, and much more! The 2010 RN Lobby Days will include discussions of the following topics important to ANA/California (and to all nursing students!): Increased salary for faculty, Faculty shortages issues, Loan repayment for students at state hospitals, Issues directly dealing with nursing specialties (critical care, med/surg, OB, etc.) Student nurses may register at (information provided by[1].doc). You can register at
"100 Reasons to Become a Nurse"

Becoming a nurse is a great decision for anyone interested in the field of medicine as it can be a rewarding career, both personally and financially. If you're thinking about enrolling in nursing school, check out our list of 100 great reasons to become a nurse.
Altruism Becoming a nurse means that you can feel good about what you do.
1.You want to make a positive contribution: You care about your fellow man, and want to make a positive impact on peoples' lives.
2.Do something that matters: As a nurse, your work matters to your patients and their families.
3.You can save someone's life: As a nurse, you may have the opportunity to save someone's life.
4.You want to take away pain and suffering: Become a nurse to help stop the pain and suffering of others.
5.You'll bring hope: You can be a giver of hope to your patients.
6.See miracles: You can see miracles happen every day in nursing.
7.You can uplift morale: As a nurse, you'll be able to improve the morale of patients and their families.
Education Here we'll take a look at the educational perks of nursing.
8.It's easy to get started: Registered nurses can get started with a 2 year associate's degree and licensing exams.
9.You'll be able to spot problems: Even in your daily life outside of work, you can see problems in bacteria, infections, and more.
10.Completing a bachelor’s degree offers even more: For better pay and hiring opportunities, it's easy to complete additional education for a BSN.
11.You can help family and friends: As a nurse, you'll be able to help support the people you care about in their health.
12.Now is a good time to go to school: It's a great time to further your education with a nursing degree.
13.You'll be more aware of your own health: Studying and working in healthcare can help you better focus on your own health.
Rewards These are some of the rewards that come along with nursing.
14.Seeing patients cured: The reward of seeing someone return to good health is a great reason to become a nurse.
15.You can be proud of your work: Nursing is a career that you can take pride in.
16.You'll do good deeds for a living: When your job is helping people, you will do good for a living.
17.You will value life more than ever: Becoming a nurse will help you better understand the value of life.
18.Hugs: One of the perks of working as a nurse? Free hugs from patients and their families.
19.Changing people's lives: Become a nurse for the satisfaction of changing people's lives.
20.Personal growth: Nurses often experience strong personal growth and satisfaction.
21.Respect: Nurses are well-respected in society.
22.Medical TV is more exciting: When you live what other people only watch, medical TV shows are more interesting.
23.Free consultations: When you work with doctors, much of your medical advice is free.
24.You may learn how to decipher doctor handwriting: As a nurse, you just might earn a skill that others don't have-the ability to read what doctors write.
25.Free lunch: Often, pharmaceutical reps bring in free lunches for doctors and nurses.
26.Self esteem: Working as a nurse, you can feel good about yourself knowing that you're helping people.
27.You'll get satisfaction from stopping suffering: When your patients recover, you'll enjoy seeing their suffering reduced.
28.You can quickly earn vacation time: When working long hours at a time, you'll be able to earn vacation days quickly.
29.You will be appreciated: Although not all patients will recognize your importance, many will be very appreciative of your hard work.
Practical These are some of the very practical rewards you'll get from nursing.
30.Benefits: Many nursing jobs come with great medical and dental benefits.
31.Free housing: Many travel nurses are given free housing.
32.Retirement: You'll generally find nursing positions with retirement savings plans.
33.Bonuses: Many nursing positions come with sign on bonuses and special pay for taking on certain positions.
34.Overtime: You can be paid well for time worked over your regular hours.
35.Incentives: Many employers offer sign on bonuses, tuition reimbursement, and more.
36.You can take days off: When you work long hours, it's easy to create a schedule where you have a number of off days grouped together.
37.Life insurance: You'll generally find life insurance as a part of a nursing benefits package.
38.You can have weekdays off: With a nurse's schedule, you may often end up with weekdays off to run your errands.
Career Here you can examine some of the great things about a career in nursing.
39.You'll always have a job: There's always a place for nurses to work, so nursing will give you a guaranteed job.
40.You can work anywhere: Medical professionals are needed everywhere, so you can work wherever you'd like.
41.Job satisfaction: Job satisfaction among nurses is very high.
42.Nursing is recession proof: Although markets can fluctuate, people will always get sick.
43.There's good pay: Even new nurses will earn a generous paycheck, and those who fill shortages can earn even more.
44.You'll have a flexible schedule: You can create a flexible schedule with a variety of different shifts.
45.You'll be connected to technology and humanity: Nursing offers a science to technically caring for people.
46.You can work on the road: Many nurses find success in travel nursing.
47.You can change your specialty: You can take on opportunities in new specialties if you'd like.
48.There's lots of variety: The possibilities are endless when it comes to nursing-you can work in a hospital or clinic, work in pediatrics, insurance, or schools.
49.You can take on expanding opportunities: As physicians spend less time with patients, nurses can take on opportunities that offer more hands-on interaction.

50.Nursing offers transferable skills: As a nurse, you'll learn skills that are great for any career in health care.
51.There's plenty of room for growth: Your nursing career can grow into much more with further education.
Traits Do you have what it takes to be a nurse? Check out these traits.
52.You'll get over bodily functions: You will no longer have any problems with other peoples' toilet use and bodily functions.
53.You're detail-oriented: You must be able to remember, write a lot, and be organized as a nurse.
54.You are empathetic: Sharing empathy with others is essential for becoming a nurse.
55.You have the skills: If you have the ability to communicate and instill trust in people, you have the basic skills for becoming a nurse.
56.You're emotionally stable: As a nurse, you have to be able to deal with a roller coaster ride of emotions.
57.You can deal with blood: If you're faint of stomach, you'll have trouble with nursing.
58.You're able to adapt: Every day will be different, so being able to adapt is essential for nursing.
59.You can prioritize: Nursing is fast paced and needs constant prioritization.
60.You have physical endurance: Nurses often work on their feet all day with minimal breaks.
61.You're dedicated: Nursing is not just a job-it's a lifestyle.
62.You can think quickly: If you're able to think on your feet, chances are you can keep up with nursing.
63.You have a commitment to learning: Nurses are constantly learning, so if you love to learn, nursing is a great profession.
64.You have good judgment: You should be able to judge quickly and accurately.
65.You're caring: As a nurse, you'll care for people every day, so caring for others is a must.
66.You're hardworking: Nursing is never ending, and needs hard workers.
67.You're willing to work hard: Nursing is hard work-if you can handle long hours in exchange for rewarding work, nursing may be good for you.
68.You're tactful: Nurses need to be able to deal with doctors, patients, and coworkers in a tactful way.
69.You're good at multitasking: Multitasking is an essential skill for nurses.
70.You have a sense of humor: As a nurse, you have to be able to let things slide off your back.
71.You like a challenge: Nursing will stretch your limits, in a good way.
72.You're dedicated: Nurses take on their vocation to dedicate their lives to helping others.
73.You're courageous: Nursing can sometimes be a scary job, so if you've got courage, you may have what it takes to be a nurse.
People See how people can make your work as a nurse worth it.
74.Interaction: You'll be able to interact with different people every day.
75.You'll work with patients and their families: You will spend time working with not only patients, but their families as well.
76.You'll be a mentor: Nursing allows you to mentor patients, families, and other nurses.
77.You'll work as part of a team: You will interact with lots of other health professionals as a nurse.
78.You'll enjoy camaraderie: As part of a health care team, you will enjoy camaraderie with your fellow workers and patients.
79.You'll educate people: Much of your job as a nurse will be educating patients, their families, and the general public.
80.You can become more than a caregiver: Long term care can take a personal turn with patients you really care about.
Advantages Over Becoming a Doctor These are a few reasons why nursing may be better than becoming a doctor.
81.Fewer educational requirements: You'll study for 2-4 years instead of 12-14.
82.You have less liability: Doctors are responsible for malpractice insurance, while nurses are not.
83.You can spend more time with patients: Doctors do not generally get to spend a lot of time with patients-but nurses do.
84.You'll take care of patients, not the disease: As a nurse, you can treat the whole patient.
85.There's more flexibility: Once doctors pick their specialty, they generally have to stay in it, but nurses can move from one area of medicine to another.
86.You can have a life outside of work: Although you will work strange hours, your life will not be completely devoted to work.
87.There's less of a commitment: You do not have to own a practice, employ staff, and stay in one place as a nurse.
88.You won't start your career in a massive amount of debt: Most doctors start their careers deep in debt from years of education, while nurses tend to have limited debt or none at all.
89.It's difficult to get into medical school: Being accepted in medical school is not easy, but nursing school is easy in comparison.
90.You won't have to be on call constantly: Doctors normally have to spend certain hours on call, while nurses don't.
Environment Here you will learn why a nurse's working environment is great.
91.Nursing is exciting: Every day at work is different for nurses.
92.You can embrace change: Even if you work in the same hospital for 25 years, you can change specialties, hours, and more to switch things up.
93.You'll avoid the typical 9-5: You can avoid working typical business hours as a nurse.
94.Flexibility: Nursing offers lots of flexibility.
95.There's lots of variety: You'll be able to work in lots of different settings and positions.
96.Nurse staffing agencies are useful: If you'd like to earn high hourly wages with lots of flexibility, you may want to look into working for nursing staffing agencies.
97.You can use all of yourself: A career in nursing uses your mind, body, and soul.
98.It's easy to move: Nurses can work anywhere, so moving to a new city is not a problem.
99.Nursing is intellectually stimulating: As a nurse, or nurse educator, you will work in an intellectually stimulating environment.
100.Nurses can work in a variety of settings: Nurses can work in hospitals, clinics, offices, schools, homes, and more.
Friday, February 26, 2010
SNA Feb 22nd Meeting Minutes

I. Meeting called to order at 1300 with all officers, Ana Hernandez (Advisor) and approximately 87 members present.
II. Phil Berghuis (President) welcomes everyone to the SNA Meeting, introduces officers and advisor.
III. Rebecca Yumoto moved to approve the minutes from February 1, 2010 SNA Meeting. Jody Sytten seconded the motion and the minutes are accepted via member vote without opposition.
IV. Old Business
A. Phil Berghuis reported on the ICC meeting.
a. Need volunteers to go to represent the club 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month and attend Club night. No one volunteered.
b. Need volunteers to represent the Club Rush this Friday in the Quad 9am- 11am.
V. New Business / Upcoming Events
A. Phil Berghuis announce there is a SNA sweatshirt sign up list going around. Sign up if interested in purchasing any SNA gear.
B. Jody Sytten and Susan Galyon announce the first community health committee project in collecting winter items (baby wipes, diapers, toilet paper, hand sanitizer) for the local Stockton Homeless Shelter from February 22 – March 22. Items can be dropped off in the nursing office.
C. Clair Giedt announced the first upcoming SNA fundraiser will be March 20th at Eddie’s Billiards 11am- 2pm. $30 person, kids 12 and under $5.
D. Motion moved by Phil Berghuis to nominate Monica Richardson for the ASBG scholarship. Jody Sytten accepted the motion to nominate Monica Richardson for scholarship. Anna Gonzales seconded the motion and via member vote without opposition.
VI. Speakers
A. Angela Aistrup, RN previous SJDC graduate student spoke about how important it is to be a SNA member and being involved with what is going on with the changes of nursing. She encouraged students to step up and take part in the fundraiser and community activates i.e. Toy Drive for Family Ties, the upcoming Winter Collection for the Stockton homeless shelter. She also spoke about attending the 2010 CNSA Annual Convention, October 15 – 17 in Ontario, California or to take part of one of your CNSA Committees. AJ ran strongly for COCR North at the last CNSA Convention in 2009. Anna Gonzales is currently involved with the CNSA Community Health Committee.
B. Katie Hagen, Deputy Director for Workforce Planning Development for California Corrections, spoke about in California they have about 33 institutions global. They have 170,000 prison inmates (continue rising daily), 65,000 employee’s, and 10,000 medical professionals. The prison will be built here in Stockton despite all the rumors. Right know they are going through some red tape with SJ County but it is being worked out. They are planning on building 3 faculties. One of the faculties will be for juvenile justice which will occupy about 1700 inmates. The second facility will be for 500 inmates who are going through the rehabilitation paroling process. The third facility will be for mental health which will hold about 11,000 inmates. They are looking for about 17,000 health care employees to staff just the Stockton prison facility. They need: 122 LVN’s, 440 RN’s and 446 Physic techs. The goal in breaking ground and build the building is in the late 2012, but they are looking at more like 2013-2014. It is going to take them about 12 months just to facility staff and orientation them before they can open the doors. Currently there are only 200 licensed Physic techs in the whole entire SJ County. So she is involved in talks with the SJDC nursing program into expanding their physic tech program. F.Y.I. Physic techs make $1,000 more than a LVN. She also mentioned that they are also in talks about possibly opening a clinical rotation in the prison facility that nursing students / physic techs can do their rotation in.
C. Fernando Reyes, RN Recruiter from Northern Workforce Planning Section Workforce Development, spoke about 5 reasons you belong on our team and how you can make a difference in a high risk population. He spoke about the dress code (no blue allowed), minimum job requirements, benefits and salary ranges (varies on institution). Physic techs ~ $4,700 - 4,814; LVN ~ $4,072 - $4,777; RN ~ $ 7,285 - $9,296. * Additional bonuses $ 1,000 - $ 1,500 are offered once you meet and complete the requirement. Fernando also encourages those not to give up and become proactive in their application process. He says that it can take up to several months before being hired. Once hired will undergo 4-6 weeks general orientation. Contact info: 1 (877) -793 - 4473 or 1 (209) 445-1016. E-mail: or, Website:
VII. Meeting adjourned at 1440.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Change in location for the upcoming SNA meeting Monday!!
Due to the overwhelming response we have had to the upcoming SNA meeting with Deputy Director for Workforce Development for California Corrections, Katie Hagen. We have changed the location venue to the Upper Danner Hall at 1pm -2:30pm.
So if you have not joined the SNA yet please do so. You apply on-line for instant membership into the National Student Nurses’ Association - NSNA at Take advantage of the many program rewards, services, benefits, scholarship, and letters of recommendation, product discounts, and most importantly leadership opportunities into being an NSNA member. So I encourage you all to join, plus it looks really good on your resume when applying for jobs. Once you have joined please print out membership ID number and e-mail a copy to our sectary Anna Gonzales at and please include your delta student Id number also. We will see you all there!
Monday, February 15, 2010
SNA meeting is on Feb 22, 2010
I want to encourage you all to come out to our next Student Nursing Association (SNA) meeting, Monday February 22nd at 1:00pm to 2:30pm in Lock- 118 (skills lab). We're excited to have the Deputy Director for Workforce Development for California Corrections, Katie Hagen be our guest speaker. She will be discussing about the different job opportunities in correctional health care. Katie Hagen is the one who is in charge of recruiting for all health care positions in California Corrections. With all the talk about building the New State Correctional Health Hospital Facility here in Stockton off of Arch Rd. this would be a great opportunity to come by and say hello and ask about any burning questions that you might have about jobs in correctional health. Our Dean Hazel Hill, Delta College's Dean for Workforce and Economic Development will also be present at the upcoming meeting too.
So I would highly encourage you all who might be interested in hearing about future nursing opportunities in the Stockton area to come on by. Remember that lunch is served on us so please stop in and say hello. We will also be raffle off some prizes in the chance to win a free SNA gear. So stick around to the end to see who win’s. See you all there! If you have any question please free to e-mail me at
Saturday, February 6, 2010
SNA February Meeting Minutes

SNA Meeting – February 1, 2010 Minutes
I. Meeting called to order at 1300 with all officers, and approximately 34 members present. Ana Hernandez (Advisor) had to attend a curriculum meeting at the same time.
II. Phil Berghuis (President) welcomes everyone to the SNA Meeting, introduces officers and advisor.
III. Old Business
A. Phil Berghuis reported on the ICC meeting.
a. Need volunteers to go to represent the club 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Brooke Robertson said she will attend for second semester students. No one else volunteered.
B. Monica Richardson reported the Tea Party was successful – with approximately $545 raised, sold about 83 patches and 3 Sweatshirts.
C. Phil Berghuis talked about the pinning ceremony and how the SNA rewarded three leadership scholarships to Debbie O’Sullivan, Angela Aistrup and Sherri Schmidt.
IV. New Business
A. Phil Berghuis announce that Susan Galyon and Jody Sytten are the new Community Health Community Chair.
B. Motion moved by Jody Sytten to order more nursing patches (373). Rebecca Yumoto seconded the motion and via member vote without opposition.
C. Motion moved by Rebecca Yumoto to order more nursing sweatshirt jackets (20). Clair Giedt seconded the motion and via member vote without opposition.
D. Clair Giedt reported that she will contact CPK to see what kind of fundraiser they will offer. Clair also mentioned she would like to explore other options into place where we can do different fundraiser. Clair will give us an outcome report at next meeting in March.
E. Monica Richardson gave a treasury report on status of SNA funds. Funds in the account at this time is approximately $ 5,237.
F. Upcoming events:
a. Susan Galyon announce of some upcoming community health activates to participate in like: possible collect items for the homeless shelters, UOP Pacific Health Fair, volunteer at a local retirement and become a senior buddy, do a possible Spring cleaning of items to donate to a charity, volunteer in the Asparagus Festival under the First Aid tent and collect books for children shelter.
V. Speakers
A. Richard Meza, spoke on PDA products (Palm, HP-111, Ipod- touch) and what nursing software (Skyscape, Nursing Central, Unbond, Pepid) available. He also provides the students the web address to Skyscape where SJDC nursing students can get a 25% discount. Mr. Meza also mentioned that SJGH no longer allows nursing students to use and kind of Smartphone with a camera at their facility.
B. Ginger Manss R.N., MSN, APCN from St. Joseph’s Hospital had to cancel. We will reschedule her at a later time.
C. Dasiha Hicks, from Kaplan spoke about the different service and products that their company offers. She also mentioned that sessions will begin in March and it will contain all the new information regarding the upcoming NCLEX changes.
VI. Two Raffle Winners received SNA sweatshirt jackets.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 1440.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
SNA meeting is on Feb 1, 2010
Monday Febrruary 1st
1:00pm to 2:30pm in Locke-229
Tomorrow is our 1st SNA meeting: Topics / Speaker are Ginger Manss from St. Joe's is coming to talk to us about National Student Nurses Association, Kaplan and PDA party (Nursing Software and show you how to use it your PDA) with Mr. Meza. Location: Lock -229 (Skills Lab) @ 1pm. Come on by and say Hello and get some free Pizza before Pharmacology.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
January Minutes

January 15, 2010
Present: Phil Berghuis, Rebecca Campbell Yumoto, Monica Richardson, Anna Gonzales
Absent: Ms. Hernandez, A.J. Arriola, Clair Giedt
I. Welcome/Call to Order
Phil Berghuis opened the meeting at 11:00 a.m.
II. Review of the Minutes
III. New Business
A. Reviewed and clarified on all the new spring elected officers positions and duties responsibilities. Provide previous officer contact information to transfer any documents or items to the new officers.
B. ICC Rep will review constitution changes and attend meetings twice a month on Tuesday.
C. Class blogger should be maintained and updated every 2 weeks.
D. All current NSNA members and new enrolled members will receive a $5.00 discount on all SNA gear. To qualify for this discount you have to go through a SNA officer. The nursing office will not offer or give the $5.00 discount. It can only be applied by going through and purchasing from an SNA officer. SNA gear will be sold at all SNA meeting and the incoming welcome class tea party.
E. SNA is currently offering a special buy one get one free ADN program patches promotion. However this promotion is only good for NSNA members or new enrolled members. This special offer can only be applied by going through and purchasing from an SNA officer.
F. Discounted clearance items on all old SNA gear to make room for the new stock. Items will be sold at: T-shirts $15.00, Sweatshirt jackets & Sweatshirts $30.00, Fleece jackets $35.00.
G. SNA will donate 4 Sweatshirts at the Welcome Tea Party on Jan 19th.
1/19/10 Welcome Tea Party ~ Class Blogs
2/1/10 Speaker: Ginger Manss
Kaplan & PDA party along with Constitution Changes
2/22/10 Speaker: Infection Control H1N1 & MRSA ~ Dameron
Speaker: Nurse from Corrections (State or SJ County)
Reaffirm Constitution Changes
3/15/10 Speaker: ANA/C on Lobbying and Policy
Speaker: Flight Nurse
Book Drive
3/20 - 3/21/10 Time between Rotations
4/4/10 Easter
4/18 – 4/22/10 RN Lobby Days by Nursing Students in Sacramento
4/26/10 Speaker: LNCC/ Malpractice
Phil will discussion and recap on RN Lobby Day in Sacramento
Elections for Fall Officers & Award Nominations
Speaker: Midwife Nurse
Speaker: Nurse Anesthetist
Announce New Club Officers for Fall Semester
5/25/10 Graduation at 7:00pm
IV. Committee Groups
A. Membership ~ will help recruit new members by visiting the anatomy, physiology, microbiology class and informing them about the nursing club. They will also create a letter to provide the counseling office to pass out to students who are interested in nursing.
B. Communicate ~ will run the Facebook account and post updates every 2 weeks.
C. Fundraiser ~ will help find activities to help raise money for the nursing club, such as Bocce tournament, SNA gear, CPK, etc…
D. Community Health ~ will find and promote community health service activities that we can being involved in.
V. Other Business / Updates
A. Talk with nursing office about seeing if they could add a SNA letter in the future incoming student information packet for all ADN and LVN students.
B. Talk with Robin Shum or Kim Thompson about doing a workshop regarding resumes and interview questions for future employment.
VI. Next Meeting/Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 1, 2010, 1:00 to 2:30pm., Locke 229.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wait no more... Let us help you show off your School Spirit
We are happy to inform you that the shipment of jackets has finally arrived, just in time for the winter season. Carry your school spirit with you all the time. We are excited to have them in all sorts of sizes and colors. Please stop by and check out the new SNA jackets and show your school pride. You are welcome to stop by the Nursing Office to visit Judy or Julie to make a purchase or attend a SNA meeting.
Spring 2010 SNA Officers
President - Phillip Berghuis
Vice President - Rebecca Yumoto
Secretary - Anna Gonzales
Treasurer - Monica Richarson
Fundrasing - Clair Giedt
President Elect (Fall 2010) - AJ Arriola