Student Nurses Association Meeting
January 15, 2010
Present: Phil Berghuis, Rebecca Campbell Yumoto, Monica Richardson, Anna Gonzales
Absent: Ms. Hernandez, A.J. Arriola, Clair Giedt
Guests:I. Welcome/Call to OrderPhil Berghuis opened the meeting at 11:00 a.m.
II. Review of the MinutesIII. New BusinessA. Reviewed and clarified on all the new spring elected officers positions and duties responsibilities. Provide previous officer contact information to transfer any documents or items to the new officers.
B. ICC Rep will review constitution changes and attend meetings twice a month on Tuesday.
C. Class blogger should be maintained and updated every 2 weeks.
D. All current NSNA members and new enrolled members will receive a $5.00 discount on all SNA gear. To qualify for this discount you have to go through a SNA officer. The nursing office will not offer or give the $5.00 discount. It can only be applied by going through and purchasing from an SNA officer. SNA gear will be sold at all SNA meeting and the incoming welcome class tea party.
E. SNA is currently offering a special
buy one get one free ADN program patches promotion. However this promotion is only good for NSNA members or new enrolled members. This special offer can only be applied by going through and purchasing from an SNA officer.
F. Discounted clearance items on all old SNA gear to make room for the new stock. Items will be sold at: T-shirts $15.00, Sweatshirt jackets & Sweatshirts $30.00, Fleece jackets $35.00.
G. SNA will donate 4 Sweatshirts at the Welcome Tea Party on Jan 19th.
H. Proposed speakers for Spring 2010 are:
1/19/10 Welcome Tea Party ~ Class Blogs
2/1/10 Speaker: Ginger Manss
Kaplan & PDA party along with Constitution Changes
2/22/10 Speaker: Infection Control H1N1 & MRSA ~ Dameron
Speaker: Nurse from Corrections (State or SJ County)
Reaffirm Constitution Changes
3/15/10 Speaker: ANA/C on Lobbying and Policy
Speaker: Flight Nurse
Book Drive
3/20 - 3/21/10 Time between Rotations
4/4/10 Easter
4/18 – 4/22/10 RN Lobby Days by Nursing Students in Sacramento
4/26/10 Speaker: LNCC/ Malpractice
Phil will discussion and recap on RN Lobby Day in Sacramento
Elections for Fall Officers & Award Nominations
Speaker: Midwife Nurse
Speaker: Nurse Anesthetist
Announce New Club Officers for Fall Semester
5/25/10 Graduation at 7:00pm
IV. Committee Groups
A. Membership ~ will help recruit new members by visiting the anatomy, physiology, microbiology class and informing them about the nursing club. They will also create a letter to provide the counseling office to pass out to students who are interested in nursing.
B. Communicate ~ will run the Facebook account and post updates every 2 weeks.
C. Fundraiser ~ will help find activities to help raise money for the nursing club, such as Bocce tournament, SNA gear, CPK, etc…
D. Community Health ~ will find and promote community health service activities that we can being involved in.
V. Other Business / Updates
A. Talk with nursing office about seeing if they could add a SNA letter in the future incoming student information packet for all ADN and LVN students.
B. Talk with Robin Shum or Kim Thompson about doing a workshop regarding resumes and interview questions for future employment.
VI. Next Meeting/Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 1, 2010, 1:00 to 2:30pm., Locke 229.