SNA Meeting – May 17, 2010 Minutes
I. Meeting called to order at 1300 with all officers, and approximately 25 members present. Ana Hernandez (Advisor) was present at the meeting.
II. Phil Berghuis (President) welcomes everyone to the SNA Meeting, introduces officers and advisor.
III. Old Business
A. Phil Berghuis reported on the ICC meeting.
a. Need volunteers to go to represent the club 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month for next semester. No one immediately volunteered.
B. Rebbeca Yumoto reported the Whirlow’s fundraiser was successful. The amount raised from the fundraiser is $76.92.
C. Susan Galyon reported serving dinner at the Gospel Rescue Mission and the Mother’s Day activity at Family Ties was very successful – we had about 4 - 6 volunteers that came out to help.
D. Paula Thomson reported the Health Plan of San Joaquin Health Fair turned out really nice. We had about 7 volunteers that came out to help with this event. Gerri Nunez invited us to come back and help out with another Health Fair event on June 12th.
IV. New Business
A. Ms. Ana Hernandez spoke about doing a fundraiser in selling Baseball tickets to the Giants game and also selling graduation stole ($32.50) to the next graduation class. - Will discuss more in detail at the next meeting.
B. New Officers for the Fall 2010 semester were announced. AJ Ariola will be President, Tammy Saffold will be Vice- President. Clair Giedt will be Secretary and Paula Thomson will be Treasurer. In addition Anna Gonzales will be President Elect (Spring 2011).
C. Members that were present voted on the 4th semester Leadership Award. Ms. Ana Hernandez will count the votes with all the officers present. AJ Ariola will announce the winner at the pinning ceremony.
D. Upcoming events:
a. Anna Gonzales reported that we will be collecting donates to help out with the CNSA fundraiser “Let Your Change Be the Change in the World” campaign. If anybody is interested in making a $1.00 donate please drop it off in the nursing department. All funds collected will be donated to the CNSA Haiti Nursing Foundation. Campaign starts now and will end September 30, 2010.
V. Speakers
A. Sherri Schmidt, R.N., former SJDC Student and the former SJDC SNA Secretary, spoke regarding the preparation in getting a job after graduating and how important it is to know that you are always being watched and interviewed while working on the hospital floor. Always make friends with everybody and help everybody even though it might not be your patient. Remember smile, soft touch and compassion translates to everything.
B. Ginger Manns R.N., MSN, AOCN from St. Joseph’s Hospital spoke regarding the NSNA membership, getting involved on a national committee such as: Break through to Nursing, Legislative Committee, Community Health, The Image of Nursing Ad Hoc Committee. Ginger also talked about the upcoming COCR (Council of Chapter Representative Meeting) June, 12, 2010 in Daly City; NSNA National Convention in Ontario October 15-17th, 2010 and becoming a delegate. If anybody is interested in applying for Scholarships ranging from $500 - $2,000 check out the website www.CNSA.org for more info.
VI. Meeting adjourned at 1440.