The Student Nurses’ Association is a great way to come together with your fellow nursing students to share your experiences, your struggles and your ideas. SNA provides its members with an opportunity to hear from interesting speakers, participate in raffles and be a part of an organization that strives to create the next generation of nursing leaders. Pre-nursing students, LVN students and RN students are welcome to join SNA.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
SNA Meeting: 12/6 RN-BSN Online Degrees
Christmas Toy Drive
Community Health Committee Presents:
Toy and Book Drive
November 29th – December 10th
In Support of: Family Ties

Please bring your new toys and books for infants and children up to the age of 6 years.
Please bring donations to:
The Nursing and Health Sciences Division Office, Locke 203
Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
If you have any questions please contact
Susan Galyon at or
Jody Sytten at