SNA Minutes for April 21st
I. Nominations for SNA positions next semester
a. Lisa read all position descriptions
b. Michelle Berlin nominates self for president - lisa Newbold second, nomination accepted
c. Lisa Newbold nominates Sue Barnes for vice president – Kristin Morone second, nomination accepted
d. Trina eagal nominates andrea traylor-cwik for secretary - Kristin morone second, nomination accepted
e. Sonya gill nominates self for treasurer – Kristin morone second, nomination accepted
f. Ana Hernandez nominates Ogechi for president elect – Kristin morone second, nomination accepted
II. Approval of monetary request form
III. Vote on Nicole/Danielle’s request for money for graduation
a. Kristin - $400 for graduation flowers
i. Sue Barnes moves that we give $400 to graduating class
ii. Wendy seconds
iii. Motion passed
IV. badges – requesting students purchase 2 – 3 patches for lab coats and scrubs
a. motion requested, second and passed
V. Port’s game Interest
a. $1 off if 25 tickets purchased, $2 off if 100 tickets purchased
b. May 18th
c. Collect money first, then order tickets
VI. Fundraising ideas
a. BJ’s 28th 11am-11pm, bring flyer
VII. Memorial day – traveling Vietnam Wall Interest – tabled to next meeting, need more information
VIII. Announce next meeting topic
a. Versant
b. Work study
IX. Reiki (Toni Barnett)
a. Body and mind heal self
b. Take responsibility for your own healing…does not conflict with any religions
c. Chakras – energy vortex (feed energy to organs and glands)
d. Aura –
i. Purple/blue – giving, love, service to others
ii. Green – money
iii. White – spiritual protection
** shows up in aura before it manifests in the physical body
e. healing addresses cause, curing addresses symptom
f. aura_maven@yahoo.com, 916-723-7052 – does the aura photos
g. All people have auras and chakras, so this type of healing is within all of us
h. Nurse developed therapeutic touch, which is more acceptable in the nursing world.
i. $60 for a Reiki treatment, generally
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