We had such a great turnout for our Survival Tips SNA Meeting. We hope to see all of you again for our next SNA meeting.
SNA Meeting Minutes for March 24th
Meeting began at 1305
I. Continued research on fundraising and community service projects
II. NSSP – Robin Shum and LaShonna Parker–
a. Stress Management – time is a big factor
i. I’M SOR
1. Identify goals in life, what do you like? (*if you enjoy what you are doing, your stress will be lower. Have a positive attitude!)
a. Don’t get too worried about details. Look at big picture.
b. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete assignments/study.
2. Modify
3. Simplify
4. Organize – split up your time accordingly
a. Planner
b. Look at one week. How much time did you spend on different activities? Analyze it.
c. Modify your lifestyle to make best use of your time and reduce stress.
i. Grocery stores not as full at night (time saver!)
ii. There is always a solution to things that happen in life. Don’t let stress affect your health. J
iii. Planning doesn’t mean anything unless you take action.
5. Recognize
**Knowing and not doing is like not knowing. (I like that!)
ii. Relaxation and Health
1. eating habits – eat breakfast
2. get exercise
3. emotional health is important
4. schedule time for yourself to sit still or do something you enjoy
5. relaxing music
III. Danielle Mathias-Lamb
a. Don’t study more, study smarter
b. Nursing 4 very important!!
c. Know how theory applies to real world
i. Ask questions to instructors and nurses
d. Keep pamphlets that can and will come up again in later classes
i. Organized into body systems or what will work for you
e. grasp the concepts, everything else will follow
f. Books that helped Danielle
i. Critical Care Nursing Care Plan, 2nd Ed. - Delmar
ii. Study guide for Medical-surgical Nursing; Critical thinking in client Care, 3rd ed. – Lemone/Burke
iii. Nursing Diagnoses reference manual, 5th ed. – sparks/taylor
iv. Illustrated Study guide for the NCLEX – RN exam, 6th ed - Mosby
v. Memory notecards – pathophysiology and fluids and electrolytes (Mosby’s)
IV. Erin Shelby
a. Use your resources/study guides!!
b. It is very beneficial to study in groups
c. Prioritize
e. Theory is only a few hours a week vs 12-20 hours of clinicals.
i. Get through theory and focus your learning on clinicals.
V. Ana Hernandez
a. Study smart!! – article, “Undergraduate Medical Education is NOT Rocket Science: But that does NOT mean it’s easy!
VI. Questions
a. Nursing 4?
i. Romena’s lectures follow the textbook
ii. Use study guide that goes with Lewis textbook.
1. It is a guideline for what to study
2. Why are the answers in the study guide wrong (not just right)
3. You may not get to all reading, doing questions, look at tables is good
4. Taking tests in nursing skills lab
b. don’t wait until you are failing to speak with the Nursing Student Success program
c. Everyone learns different, so find the person who learns how you learn.
VII. Nominations for SNA Leadership Award
a. Majority vote for Danielle Mathias-Lamb and Nicole Porter to be given award
VIII. Raffle
IX. 4th semester students, Nicole Porter and Danielle Mathias-Lamb requested funds from SNA for graduation flowers. TBD at next SNA meeting
Meeting adjourned at 1435
Meeting began at 1305
I. Continued research on fundraising and community service projects
II. NSSP – Robin Shum and LaShonna Parker–
a. Stress Management – time is a big factor
i. I’M SOR
1. Identify goals in life, what do you like? (*if you enjoy what you are doing, your stress will be lower. Have a positive attitude!)
a. Don’t get too worried about details. Look at big picture.
b. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete assignments/study.
2. Modify
3. Simplify
4. Organize – split up your time accordingly
a. Planner
b. Look at one week. How much time did you spend on different activities? Analyze it.
c. Modify your lifestyle to make best use of your time and reduce stress.
i. Grocery stores not as full at night (time saver!)
ii. There is always a solution to things that happen in life. Don’t let stress affect your health. J
iii. Planning doesn’t mean anything unless you take action.
5. Recognize
**Knowing and not doing is like not knowing. (I like that!)
ii. Relaxation and Health
1. eating habits – eat breakfast
2. get exercise
3. emotional health is important
4. schedule time for yourself to sit still or do something you enjoy
5. relaxing music
III. Danielle Mathias-Lamb
a. Don’t study more, study smarter
b. Nursing 4 very important!!
c. Know how theory applies to real world
i. Ask questions to instructors and nurses
d. Keep pamphlets that can and will come up again in later classes
i. Organized into body systems or what will work for you
e. grasp the concepts, everything else will follow
f. Books that helped Danielle
i. Critical Care Nursing Care Plan, 2nd Ed. - Delmar
ii. Study guide for Medical-surgical Nursing; Critical thinking in client Care, 3rd ed. – Lemone/Burke
iii. Nursing Diagnoses reference manual, 5th ed. – sparks/taylor
iv. Illustrated Study guide for the NCLEX – RN exam, 6th ed - Mosby
v. Memory notecards – pathophysiology and fluids and electrolytes (Mosby’s)
IV. Erin Shelby
a. Use your resources/study guides!!
b. It is very beneficial to study in groups
c. Prioritize
e. Theory is only a few hours a week vs 12-20 hours of clinicals.
i. Get through theory and focus your learning on clinicals.
V. Ana Hernandez
a. Study smart!! – article, “Undergraduate Medical Education is NOT Rocket Science: But that does NOT mean it’s easy!
VI. Questions
a. Nursing 4?
i. Romena’s lectures follow the textbook
ii. Use study guide that goes with Lewis textbook.
1. It is a guideline for what to study
2. Why are the answers in the study guide wrong (not just right)
3. You may not get to all reading, doing questions, look at tables is good
4. Taking tests in nursing skills lab
b. don’t wait until you are failing to speak with the Nursing Student Success program
c. Everyone learns different, so find the person who learns how you learn.
VII. Nominations for SNA Leadership Award
a. Majority vote for Danielle Mathias-Lamb and Nicole Porter to be given award
VIII. Raffle
IX. 4th semester students, Nicole Porter and Danielle Mathias-Lamb requested funds from SNA for graduation flowers. TBD at next SNA meeting
Meeting adjourned at 1435
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